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Small businesses are as much at risk as larger businesses. You may remember that in 2017 the NHS was attacked by the WannaCry Ransomeware, despite having dedicated IT staff and plenty of resources they were still forced to cancel appointments and operations impacting on lots of people, how would such an attack harm a small business?

We’re to small

No business is too small, by compromising smaller businesses, cyber actors can gain information and send malicious files to others, allowing then launch larger, more targeted attacks, while working up the supply chain.

How can I protect my systems?

A Cyber Essentials Certification ensures you have a good security base on your systems, the key features of Cyber Essentials are:

  • Secure Firewall Configuration
  • User Access Controls
  • Secure Client Configuration
  • Virus and Malware Protection
  • Patch Management

What about Training

Well we believe that the most important part of Cyber Essentials is user awareness training, often overlooked, but as 72% of breaches are related to staff receiving fraudulent emails, there is clearly a need for training, as part of our Cyber Essentials we provide regular updates on the current threats and have a staff awareness session

How to I get a Cyber Essentials Certification?

Obtaining a Cyber Essentials Certification is a fairly straight forward process, we will guide you through the process and offer sensible advice during the process whilst considering your commercial and operational needs, get in contact and we would be happy to help

Our Top Tip!

By gaining a Cyber Essentials Certification you would be gaining an advantage over your competition and showing customers and suppliers that you take Cyber Security seriously.

Security Recomendation

Obtaining a Cyber Essentials Certification may be required for some Government contracts, especially where personal data is being processed.

Further Reading

Below are some more blog posts that may be of interest to you.

What this GDPR then?

GDPR is the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) that come into effect on 25th May 2018, it is the biggest change to Data Protection in 20 years and is long overdue, the amount of personal data we process and the way we process it has changed vastly and all...

The Annoying OPT-IN Message

What’s with all these OPT-IN Messages? Like me you are probably receiving OPT-IN messages everyday, claiming that because of the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) coming into effect on 25 May 2018 that they now need your “Consent” to continue...

Some Help with Passwords!

We all have passwords for everything we do these days, we’re told to make them complex and then we forget them, so we write them on a post-it note and attach it to our screens! or write it in the back of our diary backwards because nobody else does that...

Small Business Cyber Security Risk

Small businesses are as much at risk as larger businesses. You may remember that in 2017 the NHS was attacked by the WannaCry Ransomeware, despite having dedicated IT staff and plenty of resources they were still forced to cancel appointments and operations impacting...

GDPR is coming!

We can hide from it but truth is the new General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) are coming into effect on 25th May 2018, these new regulations affect the personal data that every business processes, further more the definition of Personal Data has...